First video on youtube
Me at the zoo – Wikipedia
Me at the zoo (englisch für Ich im Zoo) wurde am 23. April 2005 als erstes heute noch öffentlich einsehbares Video auf der Videoplattform YouTube …
Me at the zoo – YouTube
Me at the zoo – Wikipedia
23.04.2020 — YouTube co-founder Jawed Karim posted the 18-second video, titled “Me at the zoo.” It has since garnered over 90 million views. To this day, it …
Me at the zoo – Wikipedia
The first ever YouTube video was posted on April 23, 2005. Just 18 seconds long and filmed on a grainy camera, the clip features Jawed Karim – one of YouTube’s …
The first ever YouTube video was uploaded 15 years ago – CNN
Here are the first ever YouTube videos: Top 10 oldest YouTube videos
27.01.2023 — The first ever video uploaded to YouTube is “Me at the zoo”(Opens in a new tab) featuring the platform’s co-founder Jawed Karim at the San …
Camera quality has definitely improved since the release of ‘Me at the Zoo’
The first ever YouTube video was uploaded 17 years ago in …
YouTube glitch used to create fake undiscovered oldest video on the platform | Mashable
The video titled “Me at the zoo” is the oldest video on YouTube. The …
An internet prankster discovered a YouTube glitch that allowed them to fool users into believing the first video uploaded to YouTube actually wasn’t the first.
Here are the first ever YouTube videos: Top 10 oldest …
10 Oldest Videos on YouTube –
13.06.2022 — The first ever video on YouTube was uploaded 17 years ago on April 23, 2005 and since then the popular video sharing platform has emerged …
Discover the 10 Oldest Videos on YouTube here. Prepare to be transported into a rich & fascinating history on the oldest videos on YouTube that exist.
YouTube glitch used to create fake undiscovered oldest video …
Youtube Shares Its First Ever Video Uploaded 17 Years Ago, Internet Loves It
YouTube shares its first ever video uploaded 17 years ago, Internet loves it
Keywords: first video on youtube, youtube first video, oldest youtube video, oldest video on youtube